Session 1: Ultrasound workshop

  • exploring all important aspects in ultrasound when handling patients with psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis to facilitate early diagnosis and to differentiate it from other arthropathies 

Session 2: Pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of PsA 

  • Pathophysiology of psoriasis an psoriatic arthritis

  •  Psoriatic arthritis

  • Tools for assessment of PsO and

  • Psoriasis Atlas

Session 3: Assessment and Treatment of psoriatic disorders

  • Tools for assessment of PsA and imaging role in PsA

  • Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis treatment part 1

  • Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis treatment part 2

Session 4: Interactive cases 

  • interactive real cases discussing all diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in real life cases